Nathaly Cherie


Taking advantage of the position of power she finds herself in, Nathaly wraps her warm hand and puffy lips around Raul's fuck stick. Sucking and stroking, she works his passion to another level. Then she guides him to the couch so she can truly focus on deep throating his dick and rearing back to deliver a squishy titty fuck. Taking a seat on the couch, Raul pulls Nathaly into his lap and guides her down on his fuck stick. The position is perfect for the blonde's passion, leaving her free to bounce at her own pace while squeezing and stroking her enhanced knockers and pinching her hard nipples. Curling up on her side, Nathaly takes a load off while allowing Raul to do all the world banging her from behind once again. As she enjoys the aftershocks of a climax well earned, Her stroking hand is just what he needs to reach the edge of his endurance. Letting go, he covers Nathaly's propped up jugs with a shower of cum that leaves her smiling with satisfaction.